Lucky Fart St Patricks Whoopee Cushion


Lucky Fart St. Patrick’s Whoopee Cushion is green with a Leprechaun holding a 4 leaf clover with a poof coming out of his hiney with “LUCKY FART” printed.


Lucky Fart St. Patrick’s Whoopee Cushion.

Have some laughs at the expense of your party guests. This Lucky Fart St. Patrick’s Day Whoopee Cushion is the perfect way to loosen up your party guests. Stick this under a blanket on a chair or be quick with the draw and let the laughs begin. This is a green whoopee cushion that has a Leprechaun holding a 4 leaf clover. The Leprechaun has a poof of air coming from his hiney. “LUCKY FART” is printed to the left of the Leprechaun.